About Specialty & Senior Move Management®

Senior & Specialty Move Managers like The Move MBA assist their clients with the emotional and physical aspects of relocation and/or “staying in place.” Senior & Specialty Move Management professionals have backgrounds in gerontology, social work, health care, nursing and psychology. Others come to this industry from the corporate world of project management, technology, accounting or marketing. Senior & Specialty Move Managers® require a profound commitment to connecting with their clients and a desire to perform meaningful work.

Why is Move Management needed now and not twenty years ago?

The numbers tell the story. The U.S. population aged 65 and over will jump nearly 80 percent when the Baby Boom generation retires (from 2010 to 2030). By 2030, the elderly will account for one-fifth of the total U.S. population. Today, many families are geographically dispersed and adult children are often not able to help with the moving process due to distance, career and family obligations. For family members living far away, the barriers may be geographic. Many clients do not have children, or increasingly, their children are older adults themselves. If illness or death precipitates the move, the family is likely already drained both emotionally and physically. They need help. Senior & Specialty Move Managers® emerged to fill these gaps and to facilitate the transition for everyone involved. The organizational and physical tasks associated with planning and implementing a complex move can be overwhelming for the entire family. Seek the help of experienced, insured professionals and call a Specialty or Senior Move Manager®.

What are the real benefits of Specialty & Senior Move Management services?

Senior & Specialty Move Managers® have significant expertise in resources and approaches that save money, reduce stress and produce quality results. Personalized, client-centered services are designed to meet the client’s needs and preferences. NASMM members are reviewed for insurance and experience requirements prior to acceptance. Additionally, NASMM requires all new members to take certificate classes in Move Management Ethics and Safety, Understanding the Moving Industry and Move Management Contracts & Liability. These programs, along with NASMM’s ongoing educational programs, reflect the NASMM commitment to professionalism and to working with clients who have unique needs. NASMM members adhere to a Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice; and NASMM members are guided and supported by the NASMM Ethics Compliance Committee (NECC).

The Move MBA is a proud member of NASMM.


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